
  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1009-413X
  • CN: 13-1286/G

  • 教育部名栏入选期刊
  • 全国中文核心期刊
  • CSSCI扩展版来源期刊
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 全国高校特色栏目社科学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊
  • 全国高校权威社科期刊


收稿日期: 2022-12-6 PDF 下载 (11)
  • 作者单位: (华东师范大学 a.教育学部;b.基础教育改革与发展研究所,上海 200062)
  • 起止页码: 5 - 26
  •        DOI: 10.13763/j.cnki.jhebnu.ese.2023.02.002

Reinvigorating China Through Education and Human Modernization



现代化是社会发展与文化变迁的演进过程,包括物质-技术层面的现代化、文化-制度层面的现代化和人的现代化。现代化的本质与核心是人的现代化;人的现代化是一个从“家庭人”走向“社会人”、从“熟人”走向“公共人”、从“经验人”走向“知识人”、 从“知识人”走向“智慧人”不断演进升华的历史渐进过程。当前,国内外政治经济社会环境复杂,不确定性因素增加,辩证审视经济、科技、人口与教育发展的现实发展水平与问题,有助于正确认识促进人的现代化发展的艰巨任务:经济增长乏力亟待通过科技创新转 型升级,而原始创新能力不强、技术依赖问题突出、成果转化率偏低等问题严重制约着科技自主创新能力,与发达国家的科技进步存在差距;人口出生率下降与人口负增长、人口老龄化加剧、劳动人口减少等人口数量与结构变化给经济社会发展带来深刻影响,亟待不断 提高人口素质、促进人的现代化发展,以“人才红利”代替“人口红利”;我国用接近世界平均水平的教育财政投入支撑着世界最大规模的教育体系,但教育投入水平、国民平均受教育水平、人才竞争力都与发达国家水平、与建设现代化强国建设要求存在相当差距。教 育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑。现代化的教育是促进人的现代化发展的重要路径与方法,建设教育强国,走向促进人的现代化发展的教育变革,需要坚持以人的自由全面发展为核心,深化教育改革发展;需要从协同推进教育强国、 科技强国、人才强国战略入手,系统重构各级各类教育的内容与方法;需要在乡村振兴中促进农村教育改革发展,补齐农业、农村、农民现代化短板,着力提升农村人口现代化发展水平;需要以技术赋能教育,打造创新教育新业态,助力人的现代化智慧发展;需要建立 与完善以促进人的现代化发展为核心的教育系统的支持与保障体系。


Modernization is the evolution process of social development and cultural change, including the modernization of material and technology, of culture and institutions, and of people. The essence and core of modernization is the human modernization which is a process of continuous evolution and sublimation from “family members” to “social members,” from “relatives and friends” to “citizens,” from “people with experience” to “people with knowledge,” and then towards “people with wisdom.” At present, the political, economic and social environment at home and abroad is rather complicated with increasing uncertainties. A dialectical examination of the actual development level and problems of economic, technological, demographic and educational development will be conducive to the correct understanding of the arduous task of promoting the human modernization. It is imperative to achieve economic growth through scientific and technological innovation, transformation and upgrade. However, such problems, as lack of originality, technology dependence, and low level of technology transfer, seriously restrict China’s independent innovation capacity of science and technology. Hence, there is a gap in the technological progress between China and the developed countries. In addition, changes in population size and structure, including the decline in birth rate and negative population growth, the aging population and the decrease in the size of workforce, have brought profound impacts on China’s economic and social development. In this view, it is urgent to continuously improve the quality of the population, promote the human modernization, and replace the “demographic dividend” with “talent dividends” in consequence. The financial investment in education by China is close to that of the average level of the world. However, what we are supporting is the world’s largest education system, and in terms of the level of investment in education, the average education level of citizens, and the competitiveness of talents, we still lag behind compared with the level of developed countries and the requirements for building a modern and strong country. Education, science and technology, and a quality workforce are the basic and strategic foundation for building a modern socialist country in an allround way. To build a strong country in education and move towards educational reforms that promote the human modernization, it is necessary to keep to the free and comprehensive development of people as the core, and to deepen the reform and development of education; it is necessary to start with the coordinated promotion of the strategies of strengthening the country through education, science and technology, and a quality workforce, and systematically restructure the content and methods of all types of education at all levels; it is necessary to promote the reform and development of rural education in the process of rural revitalization, make up for the weakness of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers’ modernization, and strive to improve the level of modernization of the rural population; it is necessary to empower education with technology and create a new landscape of innovative education, in order to support the development of human modern wisdom; and it is necessary to establish and improve the support and guarantee system of the education system with the promotion of human modernization as the core.

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