
  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1009-413X
  • CN: 13-1286/G

  • 教育部名栏入选期刊
  • 全国中文核心期刊
  • CSSCI扩展版来源期刊
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 全国高校特色栏目社科学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊
  • 全国高校权威社科期刊


  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1009-413X
  • CN: 13-1286/G

  • 教育部名栏入选期刊
  • 全国中文核心期刊
  • CSSCI扩展版来源期刊
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 全国高校特色栏目社科学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊
  • 全国高校权威社科期刊


收稿日期: 2003-10-26 PDF 下载 (345)
  • 作者单位: 河北师范大学教育科学学院 河北石家庄 050091
  • 起止页码: 50 - 55
  •        DOI:

Reflection and prospect of psychological consultancy in Britain



咨询在英国作为一种有计划、有组织的活动可以追溯到20世纪40年代后期, 它是为缓和"二战"带来的各种社会危机而产生的。目前, 英国心理咨询与治疗协会通过本会成员的创造性努力, 促使咨询专业化程度进一步提高。强调研究和评估、重视一致性和心理教育、重视利用先进的科学技术已成为英国心理咨询的发展趋势。了解英国心理咨询的历史和发展, 对我国心理咨询的健康发展不无裨益


As a well-planned and well-organized activity in Britain, psychological consultancy can be traced to the later 1940s. It came into being for the sake of belittling the social side-effects brought about by WWII. Presently, the British Association of Psychological Consultancy and Treatment helps boost the creativity of its members, so as to improve the expertise of consultancy. As a result, there has developed a tendency of psychological consultancy in Britain, namely, a pedagogical consistency of research and evaluation, combined by utilizing modern science and technology. The author of this paper intends to make use of the British psychological consultancy for the sake of Chinese cause of psychological consultancy.



收稿日期: 2003-10-26 PDF 下载 (345)
  • 作者单位: 河北师范大学教育科学学院 河北石家庄 050091
  • 起止页码: 50 - 55
  •        DOI:

Reflection and prospect of psychological consultancy in Britain



咨询在英国作为一种有计划、有组织的活动可以追溯到20世纪40年代后期, 它是为缓和"二战"带来的各种社会危机而产生的。目前, 英国心理咨询与治疗协会通过本会成员的创造性努力, 促使咨询专业化程度进一步提高。强调研究和评估、重视一致性和心理教育、重视利用先进的科学技术已成为英国心理咨询的发展趋势。了解英国心理咨询的历史和发展, 对我国心理咨询的健康发展不无裨益


As a well-planned and well-organized activity in Britain, psychological consultancy can be traced to the later 1940s. It came into being for the sake of belittling the social side-effects brought about by WWII. Presently, the British Association of Psychological Consultancy and Treatment helps boost the creativity of its members, so as to improve the expertise of consultancy. As a result, there has developed a tendency of psychological consultancy in Britain, namely, a pedagogical consistency of research and evaluation, combined by utilizing modern science and technology. The author of this paper intends to make use of the British psychological consultancy for the sake of Chinese cause of psychological consultancy.