
  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Educational Science Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1009-413X
  • CN: 13-1286/G

  • 教育部名栏入选期刊
  • 全国中文核心期刊
  • CSSCI扩展版来源期刊
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 全国高校特色栏目社科学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊
  • 全国高校权威社科期刊


收稿日期: 2017-03-25 PDF 下载 (327)
  • 作者单位: 1. 华中师范大学 教育学院, 湖北 武汉 430079;
    2. 湖北省教育政策研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430079
  • 起止页码: 34 - 36
  •        DOI: 10.13763/j.cnki.jhebnu.ese.2017.03.010

Implementation of administration of private education





Law on Promotion of Private Education is a milestone in Chinese history of private education, which stipulates that the classified administration of profit or non profit for private education is the core. This may break the bottlenecks that bother private educators in relation to rights, property ownership and governmental supports. Hence, the writer claims that this will be a significant project for the time to come, and it is suggested that pilot tests be taken in vocational or independent colleges.

参考文献 2

  • [ 1 ] 朱之文副部长出席全国人大新闻发布会答记者问[EB/OL]. http://www.gzsjyt.gov.cn/Item/40648.aspx.
  • [ 2 ] 教育部.2015年全国民办学校16.3万所占31.8%[EB/OL]. http://mt.sohu.com/20161108/n472611546.shtml.