
  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1000-5587
  • CN: 13-1029/C
  • 该刊被以下数据库收录:
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 中国期刊方阵入选期刊
  • 全国百强社会科学学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊


收稿日期: 2024-4-24
  • 作者单位: (清华大学 科学史系,北京 100084)
  • 起止页码: 71 - 81

Jaspers’ Perspective on Science and Its Contemporary Relevance





Karl Jaspers’ reflections on science, though often overlooked, offer unique insights that resonate with both his era and modern times. This paper examines Jaspers’ multifaceted approach to understanding science, focusing on three key aspects: methodical knowing, persuasive determinacy, and universal validity. Jaspers identified seven distinctive characteristics of modern science while simultaneously acknowledging its limitations. He cautioned against the potential for scientific superstition when these boundaries are disregarded. Jaspers advocated for an authentic scientific attitude that recognizes science as one of many ways to comprehend the world, emphasizing the need for genuine philosophy to complement scientific inquiry. Central to his thesis is the metaphor of science and philosophy as “a pair of wings,” highlighting their distinctions and singularities while underscoring their symbiotic relationship. This dynamic interplay manifests in what Jaspers termed the “distant situation” and “unitive situation,” concepts rooted in his philosophical explorations of Bewusstsein überhaupt (consciousness in general), Existenz, das Umgreifende (the encompassing), and Chiffre metaphysics. This paper argues that Jaspers’ insights remain critically relevant in today’s science-centric world. By revitalizing the ancient practice of philosophy alongside scientific advancement, Jaspers’ framework offers valuable ideological resources for cultivating a more balanced and enriched understanding of our world and ourselves.