
  • 刊名: 河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Journal of Hebei Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
  • 主办: 河北师范大学
  • ISSN: 1000-5587
  • CN: 13-1029/C
  • 该刊被以下数据库收录:
  • AMI综合评价(A刊)核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊
  • 中国期刊方阵入选期刊
  • 全国百强社会科学学报
  • 中国人民大学“复印报刊资料”重要转载来源期刊


收稿日期: 2023-10-30
  • 作者单位: (浙江财经大学 人文与传播学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
  • 起止页码: 78 - 89

On the “添” in Zhang Xie, The Top Scholar and The Letters from Two Places



南戏《张协状元》与鲁迅的《两地书》中有“V添”,这“添”是实义动词,还是后置副词,学界有不同看法。其实,《张协状元》第18出“宛转些添”的“添”不是后置副词,此句前面还有“钱谁与添?”两个“添”都是动词,义为“增加;增补”,在句中义为 “借(钱)”。据目前收集的材料可知,“添”作后置副词在清末传教士的文献中才有。根据宋、明、清、民国等一些用例来看,《两地书》中的“添”应是“添置”义,与“买(购买)”组成并列式合成词“买添”,与之同义的还有“添买”一词,古代文献也较为常 见。“买添”与作为后置状语的“V添”有区别:形式上,后置状语“V添”中的“V”后面一般不能直接加“添”,而是中间要加量词或数量词;语义上,“V添”表示“动作继续进行或动作行为的重复,数量继续追加”,“买添”无此形式,也无此语义。因此,《两地 书》中的“添”也是动词,不是后置副词。同时,绍兴山区仍有“V添”的说法,至于市区,“新派”不说了,但“老派”仍有一些人在说。


The usage of “添” in the southern opera Zhang Xie, The Top Scholar and Lu Xun’s The Letters from Two Places has sparked debate within the academic community. Specifically, there is disagreement over whether “添” functions as a notional verb or a postposition adverb. This paper argues that in the sentences “宛转些添” and “钱与谁添” from Chapter 18 of Zhang Xie, The Top Scholar, “添” operates as a verb meaning “to add or supplement,” particularly in these two sentences meaning borrowing (money). Historical analysis shows that “添” as a postposition adverb appeared in missionary literature until the late Qing dynasty. Examples from the Song (960 AD-1279 AD), Ming(1368 AD-1644 AD ), Qing(1644 AD-1911 AD), and Republic of China(1912 AD-1949 AD) periods indicate that in The Letters from Two Places, “添” means “to add.” When combined with “买 (buy),” it forms the compound “买添,” synonymous with “添买, ” a common expression in ancient literature. Unlike the postposition adverb “V添,” where “V” must be followed by a quantifier before “添,” “买添” directly combines the two verbs without such a requirement. Semantically, “V添” implies the continuation or repetition of an action, whereas “买添” does not. Therefore, “添” in The Letters from Two Places should be classified as a verb, not a postposition. Additionally, while some scholars argue about the contemporary use of “V添” in the Shaoxing urban area, it appears that this usage persists primarily among the older generation rather than among modern speakers.